
What To Do When You Find Yourself Comparing Your Life To Others


Compare-life-couple-woods-hammock-natureDon’t do it. Just don’t.

Comparing yourself to others will get you nowhere.

We live in a society now where most of our daily interactions with our peers and friends occur online. You scroll through your newsfeeds and you see a photo of a friend backpacking through Europe or an adorable newborn photo, or a friend posing with a smile at their dream job and suddenly it feels like life is passing you by. Like you haven’t achieved anything. Like you’re hopeless. And alone.  

But you aren’t, and you know why? Because you are on a different journey. YOUR OWN journey.

You probably already heard this and know this, but it’s always good to be reminded.

Social media doesn’t reveal everything about a person’s life. People only show you what they WANT you to see. And we are all guilty of that, whether we do it consciously, unconsciously or subconsciously. We don’t want to be vulnerable to the world and unnecessarily show them that we have faults. Because we are striving for an image of perfection. But the thing is we aren’t perfect. No one is. And we have to remember that.

If you start to notice that you are comparing yourself to others, here are some quick tips we came up with to help you stop:


Ditch your phone for the day. Don’t check Insta, Twitter, your snapchats. Just LET GO. It’s OK to go on an Internet/social media break when you need it.


You don’t need social media to validate that you are the cool, amazing, beautiful, intelligent human that you are. Try not to get caught up in the likes and follows of this day and age. You are unique and there is no one out there that is exactly like you. So revel in that. You don’t have to dress, pose or act like someone else. Take pride in being who you are! And believe that you are enough. Because you are.


Surround yourself with people who value you. If you constantly feel like the people around you are putting you down, limit your interactions with them and seek the company of those who will support you in being the best version of yourself.


Work on yourself: Take care of your spiritual, mental and physical well-being. The more content you feel with yourself, the less you’ll look to others. Do something for yourself everyday to move you closer to your goals.


Go outside. Do something in the outdoors. Take a hike, go on a bike ride with a friend or family member. Be in nature. There are SO many benefits to being in nature both physically and mentally. It just might be the kind of mental break you need to clear your head.

Some of us grow up with our own family members comparing us to others, whether it’s a sibling, a cousin or friend, and experts have said time and time again that it’s damaging to do so.

So why do it to yourself?

The only person you should be comparing yourself to is YOURSELF. Beat the records you set for yourself and ALWAYS strive to be a better version of yourself. We promise, you will feel more content that way.

What are some things you do to help you get in a better, more confident mood? Share them with us in the comments below!