
What To Do During A Weekend Getaway In OBX


Jockey's Ridge State Park OBXSpringtime is kind of a slump. It’s cold and hot. Pollen is in the air. Flowers bloom. It’s rainy. It’s sunny. Let’s just say it’s a pretty confused season. And to add to it, there aren’t a lot of vacay days or scheduled time off, with the exception of Easter. So when we randomly had a 3-day weekend, we decided to put our extra day of freedom to good use and go on a road trip! Read More

Decor / DIY

6 Coffee Table Books We Currently Love & How We Styled Them


Coffee Table Books Kinfolk Home Magnolia TableWhen we moved into our second apartment we sold our not-so-old furniture and decided we’d rather use two smaller end tables as our coffee table. The end tables take up less space and we can move them in front of the couch whenever we please, so it seemed like the perfect alternative. But despite not having a physical coffee table, we still have a number of coffee table books around our place.

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Top 8 Things To Do In Jamaica For Adventurous Couples


adventurous-couple-jamaica-travelWe’ve had our hearts set on visiting Jamaica since our honeymoon in St. Martin. We fell in love with the Caribbean waters and wanted to visit another island, but this time, one with a bit more culture. We had four days to spend and SO much we wanted to do. Luckily, Jamaica is a destination that offers PLENTY to do, especially for those who crave adventure, like us. Read More